Configuring your eCommerce store payment service to maximise conversion

Finding the right way to maximise conversion while protecting your eCommerce store from fraud is crucial for growing your business. There are several factors to consider such as fees, fraud protection, payment methods, guest payment options or account creation.
It is not easy to create a seamless checkout experience and to minimise churn while also protecting your store from chargebacks. If you have to handle large transactions, the payment provider employs more stringent measures to verify the customer’s account before processing the transaction. The payment provider performs other security procedures like Address Verification System (AVS) checks and velocity pattern analysis. But these security procedures are not necessary accurate and come with high rates of transactions loss marked as “High Risk Transactions” Some merchants take more drastic measures such as requiring customers to create an online account before ordering; our data suggests it is a conversion killer and we recommend it not be used. The best checkout method is usually to redirect shoppers from the cart straight to the shipping address form. Always offer the check out as guest option to avoid checkout churn; don’t ask for unnecessary information from your customers on the checkout page since every added task translates to lost transactions. Two of the most common reasons for cart abandonment are lengthy and complex checkout processes, in most  cases made so, to avoid fraud. According to research by the Baymard institute 26% of shoppers abandon their carts due to merchant requests to create an account and 22% cited too long and complicated checkout processes.Trying to address security issues by implementing lengthy or complex checkout processes has played a role in the rise of cart abandonment in eCommerce.

Reasons for Abandonments During Checkout

1,012 responses – US adults – 2024 –

Merchants should consider payment and it is verification as part of the customer journey; remove unnecessary steps before conversion and carefully choose when and if they challenge customers across the entire fulfilment process.. For example, 3DS, a common way to protect your business via double factor authentication, while reducing fraudulent chargebacks, 3ds causes around 12% payment churn due to unsuccessful sms delivery or other problems on the customer side. This means that the right configuration of your payment provider service has the potential to increase your revenue by 10%, not bad, right? While 3DS authenticates customers before payment, FUGU offers a way to challenge suspicious customers only after they have paid. We monitor the transactions post payment, after the checkout is completed, to avoid churn. Most customers react positively to this form of verification, since they have already completed the transaction. According to one of our customers “JD Sports”, FUGU decreased their checkout churn by more than 4.1% thanks to their post payment verification and seamless checkout.
FUGU vs 3DS ROI Analysis

Less Payment Churn                    199661,11 USD

Less False Declines                          77088 USD
(Mainly High & Medium Risk)

Total Revenue Increase               276749USD
Total Additional Porfit (40%)       110700USD

FUGU Cost                                            9281USD
ROI > 12X

* The payment churn rate due to 3DS authentication was
6.67%. Implementing FUGU effectively reduced this churn rate

* Before implementing FUGU, the false decline rate was approximately
3.5%. After integrating FUGU, the decline rate reduced significantly to
0.925%. Therefore, the decrease in false declines attributed to FUGU
amounts to approximately 2.575% of the total transaction amount.

* Not taking consideration savings in manual work
* No exposure to fraud guaranteed
* Not taking in consideration recovery of lifetime value of declined
* Our algorithm still ramps up, acceptance rate is going to improve

FUGU was built and designed to verify customers and transactions along the entire transaction life cycle, that means a fluent checkout experience for your customers, while FUGU takes care of verifications behind the scenes and across the transaction lifetime. To ensure maximum conversion, FUGU decouples payment acceptance from the payment verification. Knowing we will be able to block fraud further down the transaction timeline, before loss is incurred. Not Only, our unique post-payment data points such as where and when the email was opened, tracking the customer’s behaviour across the website, can help verify the customer’s given information, replacing the need for prior account creation and or unnecessary challenges; in many case they result in the loss of lifetime customer value, while gaining little of value. . In other words, with the right monitoring system in place, you could streamline your customer journey, boost conversion and verify transactions better than ever before.

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