Asegurando la continuidad del negocio en medio de un ataque de fraude

Estamos encantados de anunciar un éxito significativo de nuestra asociación con Pídele a Pepe, un marketplace especializado en la venta y entrega rápida de bebidas alcohólicas en el mercado mexicano.
Ensuring Business Continuity Amidst Fraud Attack

We are thrilled to announce a significant success of our partnership with Pídele a Pepe (part of the Bepensa conglomerate), an online marketplace selling and delivering alcoholic beverages within 1 hour. This is a key project for Bepensa to introduce a new distribution channel.
The Evolution of Chargeback Processing and Its Future Trajectory

Notable landmarks have significantly impacted the journey of credit card chargebacks since the inception of the US Fair Credit Billing Act in 1974. For years, only a little deviation in the chargeback domain until the advent of e-commerce instigated considerable transformations, primarily due to the increase in card-not-present payments.
The Hidden Risks of In-House Fraud Detection Systems

In the fast-paced, evolving e-commerce landscape, businesses constantly face fraud detection. Merchants who rely solely on in-house systems may miss detecting significant instances of a particular type of fraud known as friendly fraud. This challenging form of fraud often manifests as legitimate transactions, complicating the detection process for traditional in-house systems.
Did 3DS 2.0 Really Make a Big Change?

The world of e-commerce has experienced a significant change with the introduction of 3DS 2.0. But, did it really make a big change? To answer this question, we first need to understand what 3DS is and how it works.
The Hybrid Model

The digital marketplace’s growth has been nothing short of exponential, but it’s a double-edged sword. While eCommerce is a boon to consumers and businesses alike, it also creates an environment ripe for fraudulent activities
Decoupling Acceptance from Protection: A Game-Changer

In the intricate e-commerce ecosystem, operational excellence and customer experience are increasingly intertwined. The decoupling of conversion and protection is an innovative concept significantly refining these areas, enhancing efficiency and security. This advanced strategy, however, requires some deeper understanding.